CN Drain (Geodrain)

Highly trusted prefabricated vertical drain that has an extensive amount of construction records

CN Drain is a free form composite structure that has separate filters and core materials. It is highly capable of collecting water as well as tacking land subsidence.


PropertiesUnitSpecificationTest Method
DrainTensile StrengthkN> 2.0ASTM D4595
Grab Tensile StrengthkN> 1.9ASTM D4632
Elongation at break%> 20ASTM D4632
Elongation at 0.5kN%< 10ASTM D4632
Discharge Capacity
at straight
10kPa, i = 0.5
m3/s> 85 x 10-6ASTM D4716
Discharge Capacity
at straight
350kPa, I = 0.5
m3/s> 60 x 10-6ASTM D4716
FilterTensile StrengthkN/m> 7.0ASTM D4595
Grab StrengthN> 500ASTM D4632
Tear StrengthN> 150ASRM D4533
Permeabilitym/s> 1.0×10-4ASTM D4491
Apparent Opening
Size, O90
micron< 75ASTM D4751
* The colors of the products are subject to change.


CN Drain (Geodrain) Cross-section diagram