Message from CEO

It may look at first glance as if our companies various businesses, in different fields, are unconnected. However, all of these businesses are developed from our standard business activities carried out day after day through which each of us learns, links and creates new value; bringing meaning to their own lives, while empowering our company by binding all of our individual efforts.
Since the establishment of our company, our core business has been the logistics of raw material supply and distribution. We continue to research and invest in this sector, with the aim of giving value to this stream of goods and information.
In our work of developing non-woven products, we link these new materials to society’s needs: inspiring new possibilities. We gladly take on tough jobs, taking pleasure in the surprise and joy of people, when they realize; “Wow! That kind of material is used in that way and scenes!” To those who understand and share our values, we express our thanks and promise to continue our efforts.
We will continue supplying specialized construction materials and products. Products which will only ever been seen during the construction phase, as they are buried in the ground or set on the seabed, put inside of concrete or behind ceilings, and we will strive to develop and produce these kind of materials and products using our accumulated knowledge and skills to support people’s lives and ensure their safety.
Our attitude is: “Even if at first, something may seem outside our field, go and take a look, then consider how our knowledge, intelligence and capability would best be applied.” With this stance, we have uncovered other possibilities, such as production and sale of aesthetic orthodontics appliances and so on. We have established affiliated companies and built a sales base at home and overseas, expanding our business operations further.
From a solid position centered in our field of expertise, we reach out to expand our sphere of operations. We seek to understand the needs of society and want people to realize the good our company can do for them. As we move forward into the future, our goal is to be a company with elite staffs, who take on challenging difficult tasks with unfailing curiosity and undaunted courage but with humility and deliberation.
CEO Kunio Chikami